



  Tea originates in China, and wine bloomed in France. Although they were separated,  mean to be together, like good friends, or lovers.


  Thousand years ago, Wangfu wrote the Debate of Tea and Chinese White Wine and it was widely spread. If tea presents China, then wine presets France, they are elegant arts we pursue, they are the signals of the cultures, expression of terroir, story tellers of customs, and loved bond for you and me.


  This flowery spring, we’ve welcomed the feast of wine&tea. DiscoverCha unites Kunming Alliance Francaise, Jiexi French Wine, Six-Famous-Tea-Mountain HeiKai Estate, Pu-erh Magazine and other medias, ready to present you a wonderful dialogue conference.


  French is the major wine producer, and French wine ranges the top quality as well. Thanks to the Bordeaux Classification formed in 1855 and the AOC classification established in 1935(AOP in 2009), French wine reaches its great prosperity and its stable leadership in the world.



  In 1990s, imported wine began to popularize in China, means is a way of quality life we chase for. However, it is confusing when choosing one bottle among millions of different bottles. What matters, mouthwash-quality wine floods in the market, as worse as the pu-erh’s Chaos.



  Pu-erh tea has a long history, reached its heyday in Qing dynasty, and is blooming now in modern time. Both pu-erh tea and wine are similar magically, own the charms like getting better with age, cultural heritage, terroir, aesthetics,etc. However, pu-erh tea market is irregular due to the lack of practical standards and efficient supervisor,the label tells nothing real but misguiding information in early stage.



  As a result, we advocated that the pu-erh industry should draw lessons from the wine. In December, 2016, Pu’er city and Libourne hosted the grand exhibition of ? Quand les civilisations du thé et du vin se rejoignent ? successfully, Menghai city organized such forum between wine and tea in 2017 and 2018 as well, PU-ERH Magazine lunched the special edition of Left Pu-erh tea, Right Wine in May, 2017.



  We’ve seen the efforts, but we need more effective actions and practical instructions to move forward, to polish the old standards, to explore new market for pu-erh tea, and promote its national power.

  我们是享乐主义者,我们饮酒作画,品茗赏乐;我们也是人文践行者,“普及葡萄酒,推广法国文化,推动普洱标准,弘扬中国国粹!” 4月19日,我们在云南大学“法语联盟”,开启“普洱茶语葡萄酒”的精彩序幕,您来吗?

  We are the hedonists, we taste enjoy  wine and taste art, we sip tea and appreciate music. But we are the practitioners of human cultures as well, to popularize French wine, to promote excellent culture, to advocate pu’erh standards, to generalize traditional essence! On April 19 at Kunming Alliance Fran?aise, we are in, aren’t you?

  Host Parties


  01 DiscoverCha 葡言茶语

  DiscoverCha葡言茶语诞生于2013年5月,中西合璧,传播优秀云南普洱茶文化,弘扬法国浪漫葡萄酒风情。创始人(钟梅女士)硕本连读,毕业于华中农业大学茶学专业,多年就职茶企,从事培训教育、茶文化传播工作;2015从业法国葡萄酒,致力于普洱茶与葡萄酒的文化交流,专业、敬业、热情, 是中国茶和法国葡萄酒文化交流的传播者和践行者。

  Discover Cha, established in 2015, aims to promote Yunnan tea culture and French wine culture. Ms Mabol Mei Zhong, The founder of Discover Cha, majored in tea science for undergraduate as well as postgraduate. She has worked on marketing tea cultures and devoted her enthusiasm to tea training for years. In 2015 she has indulged in French wine, and is working on the project of cultural exchange between pu-erh tea and French wine since then.

  02 昆明法语联盟Kunming Alliance Fran?aise


  The Kunming Alliance Fran?aise belongs to a 135-years old worldwide network, composed today of more than 834 Alliances in 132 countries, being the largest cultural network of the world. It was founded 135 years ago by renowned figures, such as Jules Verne, Paul Cézanne and Claude Monet...The network of Alliances Fran?aises of China is more than a century-old. The Alliance Fran?aise of Kunming is the 16th to open in China. Il is non-for-profit, self-financed establishments, fostering teaching innovation and excellence. The Alliance Fran?aise of Kunming is born from the partnership between the Alliance Fran?aise Foundation and Yunnan University, the most prestigious university of Yunnan Province to foster French and French-speaking cultures in their campus Cui Hu and Chenggong.

  03 六山贺开古茶庄园 Hekai Ancient Tea Estate


  Hekai Ancient Tea Estate, attached to Six-Famous-Tea-Mountain, originates in Hekai ancient tea plantations with an area of 16,200 mu. It is a comprehensive tea processing factories, tea celler,tea museum and tea truism. Integrated in abundant resources, it aims to lead the pu-erh manorial economy.

  04 杰曦法国黑酒Jiexi French Wine


  Jiexi French Wine is established in 2004 with the French owner. We exclusively important French wine, including red, white, rose, noble rot, aperitif,distilled achohol, with the goal to introduce French fine wine to Chinese market.We specially import the special French black wine to China initially as well.It’s aromatic, complex, rich in taste and flavor, match Chinese typical preference perfectly.

  05  《普洱》杂志 Pu-erh Magazine


  Pu-erh Journal is an influential magazine focusing on pu-erh tea, Yunnan tea, tea culture, tea science, etc, leading the trend of pu-erh tea industry.

  活动时间: 4月19日晚7点- 9点

  活动地点: 法语联盟(翠湖云南大学校区,翠湖北路2号云南大学校南学楼1楼左侧)
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